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9:00 AM

4 mi


5:12 mi


66 F


6 / 10
6 / 10
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Time trials


Solid time trial today. Plan was the same as previous years. Go through the first 2 miles at 5:20 pace and then see what happens. I said I would keep it chill the second half but it felt easy and I am competitive. We went through the first 3200 in almost exactly 10:40. I then just kind of maintained effort through 4k and then I never really felt like I was picking up the pace but by 4800 I had dropped everyone and I went through in 15:41. I then just kinda tried to make the gap a little bit bigger and I really wanted to make sure I was under 21.

Honestly a solid workout and I feel pretty confident in myself. Ran 26 seconds faster in worse conditions than two years ago. The team looks good once again. The older guys really put in the work. Now we all just need to put it together on the same day.
