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7:00 AM

13.2 mi


9:01 mi


Get Lucky Half-Marathon in Fort Walton Beach, on a surprisingly nice course on a very steamy morning, having left Inlet Beach yesterday to come here for two nights prior to venturing our way northward. 71 and 90% humidity at the start, with sun and shady parts and some clouds and a humid breeze, with about 100 people in this nice home-spun affair. Kathleen and I ran together for most of the way, until about mile 10.5, when she paused for a walk and I continued, fighting through a side stitch to finish pretty well for the conditions, running a strong negative split (out in 1:00:42; home in 58:22). Kathleen was just behind me, 20-30 seconds or so. Lovely party and awards ceremony by the park (Landing Park) afterwards, which we stayed for, with champagne, beer, hot dogs (I ate one!) and home made metal Get Lucky awards. Even the medal was a home made coat rack or key holder. Kathleen was top grandmaster, and I won my age group. See pics for medals :).
