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8:00 AM

32 mi


9:23 mi


Brazos Bend 50k (52k) in Texas, with Mara (who did the half plus bonus mileage), Anita (her first ultra), Iris (her first ultra), Kathleen, and Greg and Barb, who ran the marathon. Humid 65 degrees at start, then a cold north wind and a steady light rain, making us shiver and with cold hands. Went out in 2:36:37, back in 2:23:19, for a more than 13 minute negative split! Ran hard the last 8 miles, felt great the whole way. Have had a wonderful time with Ben and Rachel here, as well as Mara, Anita and Will, Iris and her sister... great Peruvian food one night - off now to watch the superbowl, Cowboys vs. Seahawks, at a Tex-Mex restaurant. Off to Costa Rica tomorrow! Yippee
