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8:00 AM

53.5 mi


13:28 mi

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Jackpot Ultra Running Festival, 12 hour race, in Henderson, NV, on a glorious day for running (42 at start, 66 or so as a high, gentle breezes, sunny to thinly cloudy. Course was a 2.5 mile cinnamon roll, one of many races going on at the same time (6 hr., 24 hour, 48 hour, 100 miler). Ran the entire thing in my spanking new Saucony Freedom 3, kind of a crazy thing to do, I know, but my feet were great the whole way. Had no expectations and didn't aim for 50 miles, but nothing hurt very much and I had no injuries, so Kathleen and I just continued. Went through 50 miles in 10:50 or so, and then just decided to walk another 3.5 miles in the remaining 80 minutes or so (with breaks at the aid station). I was 2nd male overall, huge surprise (2/20 men, 4th of 46 total runners) and Kathleen was 3rd female (of 26 total women)! As I write this the next day, I am not very sore yet. So, first 50 miler + as a medicate card holder.
