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9:28 mi

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<No name>


I just wrote like 3 paragraphs then accidentally deleted it and now im very bitter but im dedicated so i will try again, just angrily.

Apparently im supposed to be setting a good example of exciting notes and to make up for my short entry yesterday and to prove that i am not a fraud get ready for the most excessive, random, potentially weird monologue(that i am typing for the second time ughhhh).

So today was the second day of official practice and i feel good. After the super high mileage for me the past few weeks to get 300, 4 miles the past two days has been easy. The heat at 3 pm makes it a little harder but the pace has been pretty casual so i feel completely fine(about 9:30 today and 8:50 yesterday). Its a really good feeling to start the season in a good running place and not be dying on the warmup like prior years. I was a little worried that i would be burnt out running so much at the end of the summer then not having a break in between summer running and the season, but, i dont know if its just the excitment of actual practice everyday with everyone there instead of just a few days a week with about 5-8 girls showing up, but i feel super refreshed and motivated. I feel more ready to go then i did after my few weeks off after track ended(despite me not having a rest day in over two weeks yay me so fun). I'm actually feeling antsy to get back to higher mileage and faster paces even though its only been two days and im guessing that in a few weeks ill be dying to get back to casual 4 mile runs.

Zehr was talking about thinking about how you want to start the season and i realize that yes the official season is just starting but i feel like im just transitioning into a different part of training if that makes sense at all? Like i feel like i basically started in February with track. Since the only reason i did track was for cross country, in my mind i was focused on the 3 mile races that were months away instead of the 1600m or 4x800 i had to run the next day. So track was part 1, then summer running was part 2(maybe ill write about that tmr or something because my last day was just 300 with a lot of exclamation points). During the summer i was running 25 miles a week to 38 miles a week being the highest, 6 days a week. The only day i missed completely, which was the first time i missed any mileage at all was wednesday in week 7 but ive run the past 3 sundays or so which more than made up for it. Which then leads into the start of the actual season, which doesnt feel like the beginning. It kind of feels like the end. I mean it is part 3 in my mind.

The past two years ive dreaded cross country starting. The first week freshman year i literally cried in the car and told my mom i was going to quit cause i would never be able to run 3 miles or even a mile at a decent time on the way home from practice every day. My mom told me i had to at least stick it out for another week or two and i wouldnt have to do the whole season. Which i obviously did, and now im here, literally excited to go to practice even if it means ill feel like dying and have to omg run?? Who guessed thats what id have to do at cross country? Weird...

I dont know where im going with this anymore. i really hope no one read this far. Like seriously this was a random mess and I apologize if anyone went through that.

Umm yay running(One of my goals is to be more im trying)


Makayla Rankins

Yayyyy Aly! I cant wait to start XC with you! I can tell you will have major improvements this season! Keep pushing yourself and u can do it!

Kyle Davis

so like i guess this was like good or whatever but like i think im beating you so... good luck wifey