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7 mi

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<No name>


Better than last week's long run but it was still sort of terrible. Usually that's all i write on these l, but I messed up and ended almost half a mile away from my house ughh so while walking(angrily) i made this list:

Shoutout to the very intense runner guy who after passing me and saying hello saw the costruction on the bike trail and just went forward anyway. I have questions for him i turned into a neighborhood and when i came back he was gone...did it work out? Can i just run through the construction? Did you just take a drink and turn around? Ahh

Rip the dead bird on the bike trail. Poor friend.

Shoutout to the spot under the bridge where i seriously considered running back and forth forever because it was so cool there. I did not do as such.

Shoutout to the water fountain on my 4th mile. It was a good thing I was 4 miles from my house otherwise i might've stopped forever.

Why did i spend miles 2-4 thinking about fairies? Also pixies, but i dont know much about pixies so i got confused. It was a weird time but a helpful distraction.

NO SHOUTOUT TO ME for 1. Running at 8 instead of 7(its too hot to be a functional human let alone run) and 2. Finishing half a mile away from my house. That was real stupid of me.

But shoutout to the lady who stopped and asked me if i was okay and if she could give me a ride. I told her i was okay. I wanted to die, but i was fine.

Okay thats it who am i rn kyle lol this is ridiculous. PS i still hate this website dont get any ideas from this
