Run: Recovery Previous Next


12:00 PM

4.7 mi


12:40 mi


130 bpm
143 bpm


23 F


4 / 10
5 / 10


I thought this was going to be a difficult run, as I was hungover from last night having drank too much tequila. On the contrary, it was real good. Much easier to keep hr down below MAF. Went over 5 times I think, and that only momentarily.

Barefoot for first 5 minutes. Ran on forefoot the rest of the run. Felt like it really set my form to start out barefoot. Very cold though, and froze my feet. Left achilles which has been bothering me was silent till mile 2. Fingers aren't working too good now, a little sluggish as I type. I will have to get some gloves. I thought my pace would have been faster. Oh well, I'll take it. No 14 minute miles going uphill like last week. I attribute the slow runs last week to being sick. I guess I'm getting over it with just symptoms left now.
