Run: hard Previous Next


8.5 mi


8:08 mi


Gradual increase in speed moving up .1 every minute. up to 8 mph down to 6.5 then back up to 8. Too lazy to get dressed up for an outdoor PM run. back on the tm instead.



Nice! 8:08! My hard workout is tomorrow (Thu). I had notions to get up and get to the gym before work but just saw it's to be -25. Um, get up at 4:30 to get to a gym, have my car sit outside for an hour.I'm opting for lunch hour run. Strength - I was doing CrossFit like a madwoman but it was a bit too intense and injured my elbow which I'm still waiting to be completely healed from. My goal is strength 2-3 times a week. I mix it up. Well I stop there as I'll run out space to comment ;)