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10:30 PM


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P90X Day 1

Core Synergistics.

Hef and Amanda got the DVDs over to me condensed onto 2 disks that run through my PS. After a bit of debate decided to do the 'lean' module for the next 90 days. Hoping to drop some lbs and cm's. Will have the official stats for my starting weight etc once Meg helps me with the measurements.

This workout was 57 minutes, 22 different exercises all targeting the core. Half you were meant to go until you couldn't go anymore and half had targets. By the time I got to the Dreya Roll was dead. Finished up but the final 3 were tough. Bit late starting out at 10:30 but Liam wouldn't go to bed, need to start earlier though from now on.

Here is a list of the exercises:

Stacked Foot/Staggered Hands Push-up

Banana Roll

Leaning Crescent Lunges

Squat Run

Sphinx Push-up / Military crawl

Bow to Boat

Low Lateral Skaters

Lunge and Reach

Prison Cell Push-ups

Side Hip Raise

Squat X-Press

Plank to Chaturanga

Walking Push-up

Superman / Banana

Lunge Tricep Curl Press

Towel Hoppers

Reach High & Under Push-ups

Steam Engine

Dreya Roll

Plank to Chaturanga Iso


Table Dip Raise

Need partner to keep all the stats if you wanna count reps/weights etc. I was more than happy with the sweat I got out of this.

Good review of each exercise here:



Prison Cell Pushups. Nice. Don`t know what they are though... Guess I could check out the link...


They are pretty hellish. Do a push-up but on your way back up you have to try and bring your right knee up to touch your chin, then do the same with the left knee. Then back to plank and start again.