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9:20 AM



208 lb


25 F


6 / 10
10 / 10
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<No name>


Got socked with more than a foot of snow, so no, this wasn't a bike ride ... but figured I'll put my Nordic ski entries in the cyclying log, since I probablty won't be on the bike much in the winter months.

Went through the trail to Hennessy Field and blazed a double looped path which I did 5-6 times. No idea how far I went, nor do I really care. It was absolutely beautiful out, and I loved every second of it.

There were 3-4 dads with their kids sledding down the hill towards the little league field, and one guy let his dogs loose and they were playing with each other in the snow.

While I was cursing its arrival for the three hours that I was shoveling it out of my driveway on Thursday night, I have to say, it was worth it to get a ski like that in today. I love living so close to that field that I can just go out and ski, blaze a loop and go at it, and not have to drive to Weston if I want to go.
