Run: Easy Previous Next


6:00 AM

5.1 mi


8:29 mi


35 F


7 / 10
9 / 10


Felt great this morning. Ran the 3-mile and 2-mile loops, great to be outside. The recent mild weather has caused a great deal of melting, which means sidewalks are almost completely clear with very few exceptions. Even the huge snowbank in our back yard from our driveway looks tiny compared to the five-foot high glacier we had a couple weeks ago. Probably will be gone completely by the end of the weekend, after looking at the forecast.

Would have liked to have run yesterday, but I've been pretty worn out ... Charlie has been pretty sick, had to take him to Children's Hospital in Boston (had a 103.5 temp) after West Roxbury thought he might need an IV to replace fluids. By the time we got there, his temp had gone down and he was fine, drank some Pedialyte and ate some crackers and was pretty much good to go.

Anyway, am quite surprised that I was clicking 8:30s so easily this morning, never felt like I was pushing. Might think about doing a 3-mile tempo run this weekend just to see what I can do ...
