Run: Interval Previous Next


1:00 PM

4 mi

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<No name>


3xMile w/ 3-4:00 rest. 2x800 w/ 300 walk/jog rest.


Mile - 5:18

Mile - 5:15

Mile - 5:09

800 - 2:25

800 - 2:21


Felt decent. Did workout with just Tim and I. Was comfortable most of the time just tried to focus on neg splitting and progressing through the run with confidence which I think I did well. Could have started the miles faster but by the time I got to the 8's my legs were a little cashed and @ lied it was a bit hard to burn it out on those short turns. Still happy with how I felt given the splits, and even within the repeats I was running about as even as you can get +/- 1 second per lap
