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7:22 AM

8.2 mi


10:05 mi


145 bpm
178 bpm
52 bpm
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Second go-round with the 5x600 m VO2 workout. Temp was 49F at the start - perfect conditions (and the first time I broke out the gloves). 2.3 mile warm-up followed by the 600 m intervals:

2:51 (7:43) 174 HR

2:47 (7:33) 177 HR

2:50 (7:40) 178 HR

2:52 (7:46) 178 HR

2:55 (7:55) 177 HR

exactly where I needed to be pace wise for the first four intervals. The 7:33 pace on the second one probably emptied the gas tank too much and caused the last one to be over my goal. Great run though.
