Run: Tempo Previous Next


8 mi


6:23 mi


8 / 10
8 / 10
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My first real workout in a long time and it went well. Going into it my vague goals were to run 8 miles "tempo," start at 6:30 for 4 miles and then see how I was handling it, and to get a fitness benchmark. On the second half I built from 6:30 to 5:58 pace. At the end my legs were feeling it but breathing-wise I was never got that max effort exhaustion that comes with an all out run, which is encouraging.

This 8 mile building run has become a staple workout for me and is a pretty good indicator of what kind of shape i'm in. When I can get back to 47:00ish for this run I'll be more satisfied, but for today it was a good start.

1 mi w/u

8 mi building tempo

1 mi c/d
