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9:00 AM

5 km


5:48 mi


175 lb


75 F

Race Result

3 / 50 (6%)
1 / 8 (12.5%)
2 / 30 (6.7%)


26th Journey for Sight road race in Reading, MA

let me 1st say HOLY COW!!!! My pace felt easy at the begining and couldnt believe what was going on. I ran with the 1st male and female for a mile and realized they were jogging at that point. I let them go and ran my own race. I guess that is good and bad. It's great that it's just me and I ran that pace alone, but I had no one pushing me at all and the leaders were pretty out of sight for me.

Now the bad. I know this seems to happen every fricking race to me and I sound like a baby, but I know I broke 18 here. I crossed the line at 17:57 possibly 17:56. I'm not going to adjust my time because It has pissed me off and I like it. I need to break 18 now and this give me something to get after.

Last, I love this course. Couple hills, but nothing major and all in shade for the most part. Oh ya, best part I WON 50


mile 1- 5:37

mile 2- 5:51

mile 3- 5:54
