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10:50 AM

4 mi


9:36 mi


180 lb


75 F
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<No name>


Oy! I don't even know what to say about this. Was too ambitious I guess. Probably the last week culminating into this fail. Lots of things working against me: 1) ran real hard in last week including the 2 races last Saturday 2) heat 3) running an 8:49 pace for 2.5 miles yesterday 4) little later than usual for me and didn't eat enough 5) was already at Lucy's CC meet and was on my feet a bit 6) had a little stomach virus with lovely cramping Thurs/Fri and a bit this morning, definitely in better shape but it may have taken a little bit of toll

Anyways, was thinking 5...then felt alright so decided to see if I could get in 5.5. Got to 3.3 miles and I was dead tired, I actually stopped after contemplating it for a bit. Took about a minute and got going again, I knew I was in trouble so far from home still. I decided to make it hard to 4 at the end but was still 1.5 miles away. Walked for next 1/2 mile and then ran back home fairly slow for me, but did that one as a separate log. Oy!! Sometimes you just don't have it.

1: 9:34.85

2: 9:31.6

3: 9:36.3

4: 9:38.3
