Run: Interval Previous Next


9:35 AM

3.8 mi


8:55 mi


170 lb


21 F
  • Map

Interval Run


Long interval time. My body is just sore, slept uncomfortably all night, unsure why. Forced myself to do these anyway. Sun actually out but wind was bleck, at least it was more south today instead of the west it’s been all week.

Anywho, it went fine. I’m fairly sure the Hr isn’t reliable. I was crushing segment 2 and the HR was like 153, either becoming awesome (ha) or invalid stats. I did tighten the watch after interval 2 and 3 went back to the 170s, though it was in the windier stuff and I was tired. This was slightly better than last weeks same run

Strava says 2nd mile was 8:03 at a 151 avg Hr ha , if only…but maybe??

My VO2 max actually went up to 44…okay I want this to be the case haha

Hr 155….ehh max 179 best pace 6:34

Cadence 180 max 195

1: 9:27.1

2: 8:02.5

3: 8:12

3.82: 8:19.7 (10:06)
