Run: Easy Previous Next


8:20 AM

3.8 mi


9:37 mi


175 lb
  • Map

<No name>


Last day of the recovery plan. 2 x 3 walk/15 run.

Managed to squeeze into the track today for the first time in awhile, between 2 groups phew

Foot has been showing improvement the past few days. I’ve been icing it more and who knows maybe that’s a contributor, also it’s been over 3 months so let’s go already ha

Anywho solid time for 6 minutes of walking in there. It was extremely muggy and the HR was rough the last 15, 180 pushing 190, but good distance , think this is my farthest yet.

1: 10:24.1 (3 walk)

2: 9:55.3 (2 walk)

3: 9:11.3 (1 walk)

3.81: 7:04.9 (8:46 pace)
