Run: Easy Previous Next


7:30 AM

3.8 mi


9:25 mi


175 lb
  • Map

<No name>


Post recovery plan. This week plan to focus on eliminating the walk breaks. This went well dispose the drenching heat and humidity this morning and it’ll get worse this week. Keep at 3 days a week and add a 4th if all goes well this week.

HR wasn’t as bad as I suspected even though it was still 167 max 187. Similar to ones with walk breaks, maybe slightly less. Cooler air would certainly be appreciated to help this along .

Planned 3.5 and did hit the last stretch home to finish out the last tenth. Vineyard laps

Avg cadence 173

1: 9:40.4

2: 9:26

3: 9:28.4

3.8: 7:11.1 (8:57 pace)
