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7:00 AM

8 mi


10:15 mi


170 lb


65 F
  • Map

<No name>


There we go!! Nice 8 miler. Didn’t go without some pain, felt mostly the hammy, the knee did well, heel was funky but longest in months so some things to be expected.

Did post run stretching which loosened up the hammy at least. Hot tub too!

Started at a lovely 60 degrees!!

Hr was AWESOME!! Didn’t push, ran 10 laps around track too for impact.

Maybe hit 160 on the Hr once. Even at 5.5 miles I was at 152 then crept a little theb garfield hill where I still kept things in the upper 150s. Did well with the pace even at end, lightened up when needed.


Hr 150!!! Max 160 cadence 168

Hr after pace

1: 10:38.2. 142

2: 9:53.3. 144

3: 10:05.9 150

4: 9:57 149

5: 10:14.4 152

6: 10:14.2 153

7: 10:23.3 154

8: 10:32.2 156
