Run: Tempo Previous Next


11:57 AM

17.9 mi


7:03 mi


98 lb
171 bpm
194 bpm


75 F


7 / 10
6 / 10
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Workout: 2mi warm-up; 2 x 6mi tempo run @ 6:15pace; 1mi cooldown

(ran extra mi warm-up to make up for mileage lost the other day and a little more for cooldown)

Temp btw 67-75 degrees

Did an easy warm-up. took two enduralyes before running. didn't take it during b/c i couldn't find where i put the bottle. I was really glad that the track was readily available and that mound wasn't there no more. The first interval went well. i was right on pace for 37:30 6mi. i took it easy for my 1mi jog recovery. i ran a little over a lap and then took 3 drinks of my recoverite and didn't have anymore after that. i was feeling good for the first 1/2mi or 1mi and it gradually was getting harder. i couldn't believe that my pace dropped down to the 6:40's pace when i looked at my garmin. i didn't even feel like i was running that slow. i felt like i shouldn't pick it up to 6:15 pace b/c it would've felt like i was pushing it too much w/ the conditions i was in or feeling. i felt like i had to work just to stay at this pace.

for pain my left IT Band was huring and right calf was bothering me a little bit. i didn't look at my HR the whole time b/c i knew it mentally would've got to me more. now that i'm looking at the HR right now, my HR went down the 2nd interval and felt harder the 2nd one. doesn't make sense. i thik the temperature had more on an effect on me then i conscienly knew.

i ran less than what my garmin said b/c it was off on the track(about .13mi off) about the last mi or 1.5mi i ran it off. the track. right after the interval i went right into the cooldown so i could have enough time to nap before going to work. i was pooped even on the cooldown. i even had to take a brk fr my cooldown so i walked for a few minutes and ran another .75mi.

i got home and drank a bunch of Recovirite w/ my Recharge. i stretched but didn't stretch as much as i should've b/c i went right down for a nap to get enough in before work. my legs were pulsing a bunch. the heat really did effect me.

Nap: 55min

after i got up fr my nap i was still sleepy. my legs were aching the whole time at work and even getting home again. i drank more Recharge at work too. when i got home, soon after i took another nap for about 55min. i got up about 37min and then decided to soak in the tub w/ cool water b/c my legs and calves were still pulsing. well, it did the trick. and went right away after that. i wasn't sleepy anymore. i felt much better after the nap even though i never fell asleep.

i was gonna a mile after my 2nd nap and lift my legs today but i listened to my body and didn't. i needed a brk and not over do it.
