Run: Tempo Previous Next


3:50 PM

6.7 mi


9:08 mi


170 bpm
198 bpm


82 F


8 / 10
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Hard run. It was too hot for this much effort. I had to take a break after first tempo interval and halfway through the second. HR was much too high. I was aiming at 8:15 - 8:45 for tempo miles. Ended up at 8:30 ish. Two mile warmup, 2 mile tempo, .2 mile recovery, then what was supposed to be 2 mile tempo but was only 1.8, then .7 cool down. The Garmin splits are a weird, since I only did 2 intervals, not 6, and it recorded the time when I was trying to stop the intervals as intervals, but missed part of the second tempo. I should be able to do better than this.
