Run: Pain Train Previous Next


3:00 PM

14.3 mi

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Decided to just combine everything so I don't have to spend 15 minutes doing this haha

Tempo: Felt very relaxed and easy. Root definently made it clear that he wanted to lead the whole thing but I decided that I was going to help take some of the wind because I never lead tempo's and today's was very relaxed. Happy with how it went.

Hills: More controlled on these but we definently had a good group going. Me, Root, Sparks, Ricketts and Aaron all took turns leading the charge up the hill. Felt very relaxed and easy for the most part

Tempo#2: This is where I started to feel some residual. I always have the hardest time with the fartleck but since it was a tempo today it was a little easier. Root wanted to lead the whole thing again and whenever we got up he always reput some distance on us. So, Sparks, Aaron and I just stayed behind him for the most part. Despite feeling tired I just forced myself to zone out and before I knew it we were on Praire. The pace definently quickened here and I finished with Root going up the top of the hill. Overall solid workout! great weather today too!

