Run: Pain Train Previous Next


3:00 PM

13.9 mi

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<No name>


First 4 Lakes workout in a couple weeks

Tempo: Went really well! Didn't feel like I was pushing at all until we got to where we turn into the apartments and cut through the grass. At that point I didn't feel really bad or anything but I got a little more uncomfortable than I wanted; so I just held the same pace. Finished right behind Warstler, Ferst, and Crain. Came in at 27:20-21ish. Overall a good tempo

Hills: these were pretty tough, but still went well. Ran with the front group of Perez, Warstler, Crain, and Ferst. Ended up finishing with Warstler on most of these and right behind Perez and Crain. All 6 of these were pretty much hammered from the start, but was able to finish right behind Perez and Warstler on the last one. Great success!

Fartleck: Still the worst part, but im really proud of how I ran it today. Crain, Ferst, and I ran together in a strong group juust a couple feet behind Perez and Warstler. Ferst took off on our first 4 minute interval and caught up with Warstler while Crain and I caught up to Perez who was right behind. From then on, we stayed as a group of 3 until our final 3rd interval. Perez dropped both Crain and I but I was able to catch up right at the end. On the last one, I just started to feel really good and took off. Closed the gap on Ferst and Warstler on the last Interval which was good but next time I have to be closer than that. Finished 3rd which was nice, although it wont hapen very often :)

Maintenance 400: Ran this pretty fast, didn't time it but I felt like I actually had a set of wheels still and tried to burn this 400. Probably around 60 flat, at least thats what it felt like. Great workout overall! glad to be back at this. Planter Fasceitis started bugging me on the fartleck so i just gotta roll that out
