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3:00 PM

9.5 mi

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NCC Track


Tempo: Ran on the upstairs track, some of the guys went out quicker than I was comfortable with so Troy, Brady, and I along with some of the others waited for a mile till we caught up to the front. Felt pretty solid after the first mile and we kept getting faster without it feeling that tough. Still had to engage near the end but we ended up doing 3.66 miles in just shy of 20 minutes, so a tad faster than 5:28 pace.

Intervals: 4xMile repeats with 90 seconds rest. We actually did full miles this time as opposed to 1600's so despite that times were still pretty fast. Ended up going 4:48, 4:43, 4:48, 4:51. I didn't count laps until #3 & 4, but I accidentally ended up miscounting on the last lap and thought we still had one more to go. Regardless, I was pretty tired by that point so it probably would have only been another 4:48. Still, very solid first workout back. Had a good pack going with Troy and Sebhat and was only about 5 seconds behind Root and Johnny except for the last one. Lots to work on but all in all a good starting point.
