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3:00 PM

10.5 mi

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<No name>


Tempo: Solid tempo! Janet, Root, Perez and I were the only ones who wanted to tempo so we separated relatively early. We all ran really well, the wind was pretty rough and it took Janet and Root a little bit to get going(cause they did 4 Lakes on Monday) but we finished together and ran pretty fast all things considering

Fartleck: 16x70 seconds on and 30 seconds off at the Riverwalk. Workout went really well and aside from the ends of the loops that forced me to turn, I didn't really feel my foot! Some of the guys did 20 and even though these were hard I could have done more, but this was my first road workout in awhile and I felt like it was smart to call it at 16. Glad my foot isn't as painful as the lady told me it was going to be. Just gotta be smart with this

Cooldown: Ran back from the Riverwalk and did Duck :) amazing weather outside!
