Run: Easy Previous Next


11:54 AM

9.5 mi


6:36 mi

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Moved in last night to Aurora so outside of the one run I did here last week this is the first true solo run from the apartment. Ran through Orchard Valley Golf Course and Cherry Hill and followed the signs to Splash Country until I got on the Gilman. Did a quick loop on the gravel and then ran farther along on the path. Got to Splash Country but instead took a right into Blackberry farm. Didn't think I'd be able to get in but was surprised that I could. Nobody stopped me so I just followed the gravel path around the lake. Ran past the train and a tractor ride and had to cut through the amusement park near the end but even that was quick and didn't get in trouble. Popped back onto the Gilman and then got off on the same stem where I entered the first time and took that back home. I'm a big fan of this route, might have to be careful with the number of times I actually go into Blackberry Farm but overall a very successful first run from the apartment! Left my shoes in my parents car but luckily I had a fresh pair of Asics 3000's I got for free from work that I could wear. Not my first choice and I definitely don't need that much support, but it got the job done. Hope I can switch back to the Inspires soon! Got back to the apartment a little past 8 miles so said screw it and added on a loop around Colonial Cafe and the strip mall nearby. Good run and will be going for a nice easy double with Kaytlin in just a few short hours.

Splits: 6:57-6:39-6:29-6:41-6:27-6:32-6:29-6:33-6:29
