Run: Pain Train Previous Next


3:00 PM

12 mi

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Tempo: Much better this week! Was able to stay controlled the whole time and we were actually moving pretty fast. Focused on breathing and keeping it in control. Maybe its all in my head, but whenever im around huge piles of leaves it gets harder for me. I should just keep watching it. Also, my shoulder pain that was in track is coming back. May have to go get that checked out soon

Hills: Good hills workout, not hte best i have felt on them but still pretty happy. Ran with Sparks, Root, and Yonny for the most part. After the fifth one, Sparks moved ahead of us on the rest and Yonny dropped off a little so Root and I attacked the hill for the last one. Having teamates there always makes it better

Fartleck: For some reason, after the hills my abs started to hurt really bad. I felt like I had somebody squeezing my ribcage from both sides as well. Regardless, it got better with each fartleck we did although it never went away until we stopped. I had alot of gas so that was probably it, but still good fartleck. All 7 of the sophmores finished together on this so that was pretty cool
