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3:00 PM

10.8 mi

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NCC Track


Tempo: Solid tempo today, was suprised at how fast we were actually going because it didn't really any harder than a normal tempo. We were talking for pretty much the whole thing and we came in together as a solid group. Splits were 5:48-5:20-5:15-5:08.

Intervals: 4x2k with 90 seconds rest. Ended up being a very good workout overall. Felt really strong on all of them and focused on getting my own workout out of it. This year I'm really trying to not race workouts, so while the times might suffer a little, I know it will help my legs when it matters most. Ended up running in a nice pack with Brady and Luke. Splits were 5:58-6:02-6:00-6:00. Brady, Luke, and I had caught up to Root and I was on the very back of the pack and when they started kicking I said screw it and just kept my own cadence. Everybody looked great today and it was another solid workout in the bag.

Cooldown: Did 1 mile cooldown along with 4x100's. Also, jogged from Naper to Res so that's why I have a little extra mileage. Quad is achy and sore now but I'll just do what I did yesterday and it should go away. Good day!
