Run: Pain Train Previous Next


6:00 AM

12 mi

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<No name>


Great workout today at Blackwell! Yonny, Warstler, Garret, and I had done this workout during the summer so I knew what to expect but I really wanted to make sure I ran all 3 parts smart without dying. Tempo went by well, stayed together with Sparks, Root, Crain, Havey, Janet, and Brink. Only on the last 1.5 miles or so did Brink, Root, and I move up. Made sure I stayed smooth with energy to spare cause I knew the hills were gonna kill. As hellish as they were, it got easier for me after the 4th one. Crain, Brink, Root, Sparks, Janet, and I worked really well together on these. The rest on the way down is just enough to help you recover which is the only thing that saved me on these. Afterwards, 45 second blowout and then 4x2 minute for fartleck. Same group mentality and built through the workout feeling smooth and relaxed. Overall, Im really happy with how this workout went and I actually felt like I could have done more when I finished. Although im sure once the lactic acid settles in my legs will be dead for the easy run later haha
