Run: Tempo Previous Next


6:00 AM

11 mi


5:50 mi

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Really early morning workout today cause we're supposed to get dumped on with snow later today and Al wants us to get off the track, which personally sounded good to me.

Tempo: Ended up covering the 5.7 mile tempo in 5:50 pace. First 1-2 miles felt alright, not great but not terrible. Just not used to going this fast so early but luckily we all got into our cadence and it started to feel more smooth. Alot of Yo-Yo action going on just because we were in such a big group and we all got spread out when we were on the ice. Regardless, good first part of the workout and we were cruising pretty well the last 2 miles or so.

Fartlek: Similar to the tempo, started out smooth and then started pressing more and more each rep. We had a longer fartlek part since we stopped at the beginning of Royal Saint George for the tempo. Alot more ice on this part of the route so the Yo-Yo feels were even more real. Did 6-7 reps of 2 minutes on, 1 minute off. Our off pace was actually pretty fast as well. Finished strong running up the hill.

Cooldown: Just did a library loop, and this was still kinda quick. Felt good afterwards aerobically, not super hard but not an easy workout either. Glad to get this done in the morning! Hip/Groin held up well during the workout but on the jog back from Kaufman it was killing!
