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I'm seriously so glad that I'm doing Acceleration again. That place is just amazing and I'm in love with it. We literally just go and workout for 2 hours and 15 min. But it's different because we do a ton of different things, and I feel like it's going to be super beneficial. Tonight my group did plyos which I enjoy immensely, the plyo-press machines (it's like squats in a rack but you lay on this machine so you are able to jump and work on explosiveness as opposed to in a rack just going up to the full extension of your legs), the gauntlet which was a small rotation within our group working different muscle groups which was extremely tiring, and finally a treadmill workout to end the night. On the treadmill we did this incline workout where we did a short warm-up and then steadily increased speed and incline. It wasn't too hard until we got to the final speed and incline paired with the longest amount of time running where it was really hard but still not impossible. But then for our final one he put the incline way back down to just above flat and turned up the speed to 6 min mile equivalent and by golly it felt SO EASY. It was crazy!

And our coach who has all of the hookups since his dad played in the NHL and he played D1 college and in the minors said that he might be able to get us free memberships to LA Fitness. I really hope he does because I want to try to keep running as much as possible throughout the winter and that would definitely be useful for when it gets super cold out. Plus I could start lifting more which would be fantasic. So fingers crossed for that!



You stud