Run: Race Previous Next


7:17 AM

26.2 mi


10:10 mi


50 F

Race Result

1643 / 3509 (46.8%)
162 / 278 (58.3%)
1098 / 1958 (56.1%)
  • Map

<No name>


Crazy finish, cramping badly at miles 21 and 25, nearly blowing PR chance. Would have easily coasted in 2-4 minutes better than Houston if not for cramps. Garmin read 4:26:23, exactly Houston time. Did not wear HRM.

Lap 1 10:02 hard to run that slow.

Lap 2 9:50

Lap 3 9:58

Lap 4 10:08 Long mile

Lap 5 9:45

Lap 6 10:02

Lap 7 9:55

Lap 8 10:01

Lap 9 9:59

Lap 10 10:02

Lap 11 9:54 Overpasses messed up garmin

Lap 12 9:54

Lap 13 10:06 Half split 2:10:41

Lap 14 9:57

Lap 15 9:58

Lap 16 9:58

Lap 17 9:57

Lap 18 10:02

Lap 19 10:00

Lap 20 10:00

Lap 21 10:05

Lap 22 11:17 Bad left Hamstring cramp. Thought I was finished, but worked it out and started running.

Lap 23 10:31 Long lap

Lap 24 10:17 Short Lap

Lap 25 10:50 trying to hang on. heat an issue.

Lap 26 11:49 Another round of cramps in left Hammy. Again able to resume, hopeless.

Lap 27 2:01 (9:04 pace) cramped at the end, stiff-legged it to the end.
