Bike: Long Previous Next


7:00 AM

75 mi


15.66 mi / hr


240 lb


91 F


6 / 10
6 / 10


First ride with new Trek bike. Max 24.9 / first MS 150 bike ride, very hot and humid, prior to 50 mile #5 rest stop, Bob reccommended I not do the hundred but wait for Kathy & Donna and do the 75 and save myself for the 75 Sunday. I was weak and breathing labored. Bob & others went on, I was sitting in chair and could only nod at Bob's instruction, left arm was sightly shaking from bad postion on handlebars. Went under shade tree to sit and lay down and fell asleep for bout 30 to 45 minutes, Kathy took pix when they came through stop 5 and went on. I continued from 5 by myself and rode with Molly Sherman from Killer bees. caught up with Kathy and Donna at final stop with other team and we rode last 4 miles together.
