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4:30 PM

9.5 mi


6:26 mi


136 lb


87 F
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9.5 Miles - Waterfall Glen - 4:30pm

-Jacob Phillips almost killed me. Well actually I just cratered really hard. Combination of being out of shape, it being really hot, not eating enough, not drinking enough water, but having a lot of coffee. I don't know what the splits were, but the last two miles must have been really slow. Jacob was great in not running away, and letting me die. Was kind of worried what would happen if I fainted two miles from the car. I don't think Jacob could (would?) carry me two miles. I just laid down outside on the parking lot crucified afterwards. We listened to 90's music on the way out and back, which was great. For all you kiddos who don't remember the 90's, I'm sorry. You missed out, and it will never be as great ever again. Period.


Nick Nielsen

I like to think that he'd sarcastically berate you as you lay prone and panting on the trail. Hopefully, he at least got the chance to do that in the parking lot. He definitely wouldn't carry you, but I can see him dragging you by one foot.