Run: Easy Previous Next


7:50 PM

11.1 mi


6:47 mi


136 lb


60 F


11.1 Miles - Up Woody, Down Lake - 7:50pm

-Felt pretty sore in my hip flexors until about 25 minutes in. After that the run was great, really felt like I was moving until about 15-10 minutes to go, and then I was just really tired. Working at the sports camp is pretty tiring, it takes awhile until I feel good on my runs. I don't think the camp has really anything to do with why I was tired at the end of my run. I just haven't really run very much mileage in the last six months.


Corey Okinaka

Camp can take a lot of out of you, I used to get exhausted by lunch time and it was a language camp, we didn't have to run around much. Its something about watching a group of small children that just sucks up all your energy. Looks like you still had a great run though. What is woody?

Henry Blood

Only doing half days next week so I should be ok. Woody is the woodchip trail.

Nick Nielsen

Good to see you back at. Refraining from commenting about corey being unfamiliar with a woody. Oops. Guess I just did.

Corey Okinaka

I purposely tried to slip the question in at the end so maybe people wouldn't notice...guess that didn't work