Run: Easy Previous Next


7:00 PM


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<No name>


This was the second Joe Kelley workout, and I am not as sore afterward as I was after the first. This is what we did:

Various skip drills: (bounding for height, high B-skips, low B-skips, jumping high off one foot landing on other then foot circles, etc.) All of these exercises and many more were done for 50 yards. After we reached 50 yards, we were told to either jog backwards 50 yards or sprint forwards the remaining 50 yards.

Pull-up and Dips Station: My dad built an awesome pull-up and dip station that is now situated right next to the track.

I did 3 sets of 5 slow pull-ups and 1 set of 10 slow dips. The dips were very challenging.

Medicine ball exercises: With a partner, throwing the medicine ball in different ways 10 times each (soccer ball throw in, "diaper shot" backwards over head, on the knees soccer throw in)

Yoga: I don't know many of the yoga poses, but trust me, we did a lot of it. Probably 15 min. of yoga which may sound like a rest period, but it was by far the most physically demanding thing I did all night.

Lunges with bar over head: Probably 25-30 yards of lunging elbows locked with a fairly heavy bar over head. 3 sets of this.

Tire pulling: Sprinting with a tire harnessed to waist for 100 yards. 3 sets of this.

This was an excellent workout. Joe Kelley is the man.
