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Joe Kelley workout #5

This workout was not very difficult at all. I think he was giving us an easier day because we were all still pretty sore from the last one. This was more of a plyo and injury prevention day, so mostly jumps and strength exercises and less sprints and skips.

Core workout: Various exercises (I can't remember them all) They include holding the medicine ball (8 lbs) between legs while on back and rotating hips back and forth (Windshield wipers), crunches, bridges while holding the medicine ball, supermans (just arms, just legs, then together), "Donkey kicks", there were many others but I can't remember them all.

Box jumps: Simply jumping from one box on to the ground, then jumping right back onto a bigger box, then back down and onto a bigger box and so on... We did this for a while.

Sideways and forwards jumps over medicine balls lined up, 3 sets of 5 reps

10 half burpies then 10 full burpies

Lunges with heavy bar straight overhead for 50 yards and back

Upper body station (2 sets of everything): 10 pull-ups, 10 dips, 25 pushups (each hand on a different bar), 25 pushups (both hands on same bar)

Hurdle flex (two sets of all): Right leg lead, left leg lead, alternating, turned to left, turned to right

Yoga: Again, I can't say exactly what we did, but it was 15 minutes of hard work.

I saw this as somewhat of a resting day. That means Monday should be intense.
