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Joe Kelley workout #7

800 meter warmup jog

Warmups: Arm swings (both arms), backstrokes then forwards, torso twists, head nods, squat dives, full body circles, Ankle circles then jump onto other foot, cross exercises where touch hands with feet lying down, push-ups with claps, donkey kicks, half burpies and probably several others

Sprint drill (running around the balls): Sprint 25 yards and run around ball from right side, then left

Move in 5 yards, same thing but run around the ball twice

Stay at same spot, but start out facing the opposite direction

Move in 5 yards, lie down face up with feet on the yard line

Stay at same spot but start face down

Move in 5 yards, jump up from knees

Stay at same spot, same thing but face opposite direction

(Each of these intervals turned into a race, Pony and I won most of the time)

Upper body (go through this twice): 10 Pull-ups

10 dips

10 push ups with one arm on a ball (both arms)

10 reps of the somewhat seated row exercise

Pull the tire to you with arms twice (the tire has a heavy rock in it)

Yoga: As usual, yoga is challenging

Hamstring exercises: Leg raises from plank position (10 each leg)

10 "crunches?" with feet on exercise ball

Medicine ball stuff: 50 yard lunges with the medicine ball held straight over head (twice)

10 step ups on box (each leg)

(We were going to do abs but we were running out of time)

Obstacle course (4x): Run forward 100 yards than back 100 yards dragging a tire.

Sprint 100 yards with four hurdles in the way

Shuttle run (four touches)

Bear crawl 10 yards

Crab walk 10 yards

Weave sprint in and out of balls for 50 yards or so

25 squat thrusts

Hurl an 8 lb. medicine ball over the field goal post

Awesome workout!
