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4:00 PM

10 mi

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I am not quite used to recording workouts above, so I will describe it here.

Workout Description:

1000m tempo pace 6x

One mild-ish hill

1 minute rest

My times (These are from memory so they are probably not exact, but I know I started very quick then went very slow then I went a little faster):

18 minute warmup jog







Three mile cool down

How I felt:

I was told to stay with Scott and some of the other very good runners. I thought I could hang with them but they are in way better XC shape than I am. I have a lot of work to do, but I know that XC is a sport of constant gradual improvement. I have been in this position before at the start of seasons so I am not too worried.

I have vowed to myself that I must start to sleep better, today I was exhausted even before practice.

Good news is my foot did not bother me at all.

Overall, it was a rough day for me. I can credit tons of things for not doing well but the fact of the matter is I am not at the level I want to be at quite yet. However, I have been running long enough to know that it does not matter how you start a season, but how you finish it.
