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2:30 PM


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<No name>


2013 Surfing #11-11. 1 hour. Turned up in the afternoon and SUP BLOW-IN is just finishing up parked in the very best space. Unreal. This guy must have only just started "surfing". Sure, there's no law saying he can't park anywhere he likes, but it's just basic surf etiquette not to take the best parking spots if you have no connection WHATSOEVER with a surf point. This of course, meant I had to walk past him and his car to get to the water. Felt good to completely FREAKING ignore him. The thing is, he probably doesn't even realise calling for waves (so ridiculous!), dropping in without looking, wave-hogging and taking the best parking spots are bad form, so he probably thinks I'm just being unfriendly. Whatever...

Anyway, the surf is starting to pick up. Four rides in a hour. Feeling pretty good too, both padding and riding.
