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3PU + 3CU + 2PU + 2CU + 2PU + 2CU

2PU + 2CU +2PU + 2CU + 2PU + 2CU

2PU + 2CU

TOTAL PULLUPS = 30 (2013 TOTAL = 250)

COMMENTS = So I felt the need to tell the SUP blow-in exactly how messed up his surf etiquette was. But... I didn't really want to have any drama. Guy looked the type not to handle criticism well. Doing it face-to-face would just be too much drama. Guy also has a Niigata plate and is sleeping in his car, so he is probably leaving soon. But I really felt the need here. So I wrote a note politely outlining how dangerous he is being as well as also pointing out that dominating a small wave session on a SUP is really uncool. I taped it to his window and could easily have just ducked out of sight until he left - am about to start tapering for the Nemuro Half next weekend anyway. Just getting the message across was good enough...

But... I guess I did really want some drama, well a little anyway. So I went down later and waited for him to come talk to me. And he did. Didn't really do much talking (he did most of it!) but just politely kept to my main points of...

1. The person on the inside has priority

2. You have to look before taking a wave

3. Don't really want to have an argument here but you have bad etiquette

4. I don't agree with you.

Wanted to keep it simple...

Naturally this dude got WAY angry at me (kinda expected really) and just started talking rubbish.

Most ridiculous were...

1. "I've been on a wave with three other people and no one ever complained". (Yep, you're a beginner and you were obviously at a beginner's point. What a kook!)

2. "It was a left-hand wave and I surf left-foot forward". I replied that you were still on the shoulder and I was still on the inside. Therefore... it was my wave. (So ridiculous to even use that as an excuse... Kook!)

3. "You didn't even make the wave". I replied that I did but you didn't look, so how would you know anyway?

4. He had no real comeback to this but then starting referring to this "you gotta look" rule as "my rule" like I was making stuff up. Seems to me to be a basic rule of surfing. FREAKING KOOK!

5. He also asked why I longboarded. I replied that it was fun. He said no, the actual reason was so I could dominate the shortboarders. I very calmly replied that I do actually just find it fun. (Trying hard not to laugh here. Just ridiculous. This guy starts telling me about me!)

6. "What's wrong with you? You tape a message to my car. You can't talk face to face?" I replied with I came back, I'm here now and I'm waiting for you. Of course, he didn't really listen to much of what I was saying, so he just kept on abusing me.

He was getting progressively heated up and started trash talking me as well, almost leaving several times before coming back to keep at it. "You're just a prick!" Just too funny. I wasn't going to get in an actual fight with the guy so I've just got this cheesy grin on my face just repeating "Oh? Really? Sorry, you're wrong, just don't agree with you here."

He also said that "I'm going to be here everyday so bring lots of boards". So now he's starting to threaten me?! Real classy. Trying so hard not to laugh at him even more.

He probably went away from our "discussion" thinking he sure showed me etc etc, but I quite enjoyed calmly and politely (and simply) telling him he was unsafe (and wrong!). Hopefully he gets it. Probably won't though. What an idiot. Go home soon!



I enjoyed this write up.


I tried to keep my comments simple and to the point, but I kinda wanted to know why I was a prick. No really, why? And the thing is he's telling me to bring lots of boards because he's going to continue dropping in on me. Doesn't the fool realise that if he drops in on me and I crash into him, his board will get damaged as well? Probably hurt him more than me too...