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2015 Snow8. BC7. BC Ski5. The Impact Zone.

First time to ski this! Wasn't planning on it initially, but someone had dropped a sick line down it so had to get me some too! MHM is out of action for a couple of weeks, but came out as long as it was a short session and we hit burgers as well. Fortunately she was there as this line requires a driver! Only a short hike after that and then POW POW goodness. Dug a snow pit (even with snowboard guy taking first tracks, MHM wouldn't let me hit this solo without doing one - no problem with that though) and it was all sweet. Steep and deep then skiing out through the trees and on to the flats back to the carpark. Three lines. Kinda wanted more, but couldn't push it. Too much fun though!

2015 BC Ski Lines 8-10



wear your garmin on these, want to see your maps!