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<No name>


2013 Snow #6. BC #4. No Name Peak. Didn't look like it had snowed much since I was last here... ten days ago! Still sasa grass sticking through. Couldn't believe it. Couple of snowboarders already on the mountain, so cruised up on the skins. Got to my usual spot at the top of the tree line in 20 minutes. Weather was good, snow was low and totally stable (this mountain isn't avalanche prone to start with though) and I just couldn't help but go to the top today. Made the peak in 50 minutes. Usually takes an hour and a half on snowshoes! The two snowboarders were just dropping their second line when I got there. Sure, solo BC isn't the best idea and everything, but these two guys dropped their lines at the same time! Shocked to see them do it, but it did prove that nothing bad was going to happen. Anyway the skiing felt good today. Skied top to bottom pretty smoothly and didn't freak out going through any tight trees either. Nice.
