Bike: Easy Previous Next


37.1 mi


14.94 mi / hr

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<No name>


Ambleside - home. (Returning my mum's car).

This is the route I should stick to:

- Bowness and up & over to the Lyth Valley

- old road through Levens to avoid main road (although I think I went much too far up the hill?)

- turn left at Milnthorpe, then Holme, B-in-K

- up-and-down back road at Heversham

- back onto the A6 at the big roundabout, and A6 home through Carnforth to Ryelands

Found those constant ups and downs really tough! Very glad to get onto the flat and fast A6 section at the end. Nice weather, but seemed like a headwind for most of it ...
