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6.5 mi


8:00 mi

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Tired again. Saw Dan again - he didn't find it quite so difficult to catch me up today, at the base of the Coton footpath! Probably moved faster with him than I would have done on my own this time.

A chill in the air today. >0 degrees and sunny, but one or two slippery pavements, and I enjoyed the gently frozen grass on my new clay pigeon-shooting field cut-through.

Reminded me of the time that I went running on a grass field at a Seville sports arena, passing the sign that said "Campo del tiro" on the way in. "Tiro", I thought, trying to excavate the vocab - throwing? a javelin and discus field? Halfway across the huge open field with strange little booths at one end I remembered ... tirar ... to shoot - a firing range! I left - as they say in Argentina - al tiro. In a shot.
