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17 mi


14:08 mi

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Pendle Hill w Mike Burnham: 1500m ascent. Quite good weather - grey and a bit of a cool breeze, but just got away with shorts and T-shirt (MB wearing a vest, but that seemed a bit mad). This was the Tour of Pendle route. Sort of climbed the hill four times (three in quick succession towards the end - two up exceptionally steep, hands-on-the-grass climbs) passed the trig point at least twice. MB is quick on the downhills (I struggle to keep up), fine on the along bits, but I zip away a bit on the ups.

Interesting thing about Pendle Hill is that although it is pretty wild (a bit like Whernside), with lots of steep gullies and mountain springs, the views are of oak trees and farmland, and by lunchtime there are lots of families up there walking their dogs.
