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6.2 mi

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Wetherlam from Little Langdale w S, and back down the Greenburn Valley. 700m climbing. My oh, my! Left bikes by the farm up the little track from Fell Foot (off Wrynose). The path on the OS valley from the drystone wall at the entrance to the Greenburn Valley did not exist on the ground - we picked through impossible bracken and steep mossy rocks for hours until finally hitting cairns and steep scrambly rocks towards the summit. (Unfriendly dad and teenage sons at the top had come from Coniston!). Cloud swirling around those summits.

Back down from Swirl Hause (the col) off-path through grass, sheep, mineworkings of Greenburn, good streams for swimming on a sunnier day. Next time we can come up on a proper path from Tilberthwaite, and do the whole round of Swirl How / Great Carrs.
