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37.5 mi


14.61 mi / hr

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Home from Gilbert Scar, via A5074 (Lyth Valley), Levens detour to avoid the A590, then Heversham, Milnthorpe, Burton in Kendal, Over + Nether Kellet, Halton and home. (virtually identical reverse route)

This was better. Still quite hard work, but feeling more in control, warmer, not all into the wind, only stopped about three times to look at the map (instead of 33 times). Starting to think my way into the skills you need for long bike rides. Muscular fatigue vs. blood sugar levels and dehydration (practically all to do with food and drink at my low level). Gear selection, seated or up on pedals. Clothes, gloves. How to store accessible food. When to drink. What to do with the map.

Quite cold, as you might expect for November, one or two short showers but weather not bad at all - although quite a lot of water on the road from wet couple of days.
