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100 km


15:18 mi

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<No name>


So, Race to the Stones. Bruce's friend James dropped us for the 8am start - huge farm in the wheatfields at the bottom of the hills. Hot day. First 15 miles or so towards Goring (bridge over the river) are mainly wooded - like Henley beech woods. The rest is open downland, like the South Downs but more rolling, with some idyllic commuter villages scattered around there too. Lots of endless chalky tracks.

Face it, it's a long way. Very well organised, lots of food at the aid stations every 10k, amazingly well signposted (with glow sticks after dark). I felt surprisingly grotty after only about 10 miles, and quads already tender from very early on (because of doing so little running in the last couple of weeks?), but then perked up a bit. Bruce dipped before half way; I was much quicker walking than him esp at that stage, whereas he was faster at jogging than me esp towards the end. Pasta halfway (wasn't sure if it was for us or not!). Stopped for ages at the halfway camp. Wimbledon on a big screen there. Susan (and Connie) met us at the 9th aid station as dusk turned into darkness. We ran pretty 'hard' on the last two stages. Quads well and truly trashed. Round the stones. Eventually thankfully ended. Wow, it is a long way.
